Brazil: E-Vote Skeptics Get a Second Hearing

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The Voto Seguro (Brazil) mailing list informs us:

Foi remarcada para esta quarta-feira, 04 de julho, às 14 h, a palestra que o engenheiro santista Amilcar Brunazo vai apresentar à Subcomissão  Segurança do Voto Eletrônico da Câmara Federal. (Auditório 1 no anexo 2)

The lecture by Santos engineer Amilcar Brunazo to the E-Voting Security subcommittee of the federal House was rescheduled for July 4 at 2 pm.

É a segunda vez neste ano que o especialista santista é solicitado para  explanar os problemas de segurança do sistema eleitoral brasileiro que, embora bem aceito pelos brasileiros, tem sido rejeitado em todos países desenvolvidos.

This is the second time this year in which the expert has been asked to explain the security problems of the Brazilian elections system, which, though well accepted by the public, has been rejected by all the developed nations. 


A major meltdown of the last elections in the Brazilian state of Alagoas, which led to the formation of the subcommittee and the series of hearings, has utterly disappeared from the news agenda, meanwhile.

O Eng. Brunazo irá entregar a subcomissão extenso estudo de 150 páginas discorrendo sobre o acúmulo de poderes da justiça eleitoral, sobre o voto eletrônico no exterior e sobre as possibilidades de fraudes nas urnas eletrônicas.

Brunazo will submit an extensive study of 150 pp. on the accumulation of powers by the elections authority [which is wholly controlled by the judiciary], e-voting abroad, and the possibility of defrauding elections that use electronic voting machines.  

I am looking forward to studying that.

The Brazilian e-voting machine is one of the purest examples I know of the “rhetoric of the technological sublime in postmodern technology marketing” and its potentially sinister and antidemocratic connotations. See also

“Without it, life would be hell on earth.” Microtec advertisement, Veja magazine, issue 87. File under “the rhetoric of the technological sublime (RTS) in postmodern technology PR, Velvet Elvis tendency.”

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