Where Did the Man Behind the Meth Go Wong? In Search of the Las Vegas Connection

His Sino-Mexican meth complaint. Anybody have a copy of hers?

Detienen en Las Vegas a complice de Zhenli (EBRmx): So now, what about Ye Gon’s girlfriend? I go looking for the indictment in her case.

A Mexican blogger has the following analysis, I note from a quick Google Blog search.

The link in said post to an instance of “pseudojournalistic Marxist bloggers who think they understand Mexico,” by the way?

It’s a link to me!

Reminds me of other contacts I have had with Gnostic Mexican infowar bloggers, most notably “Truth is Nowhere.”

I think maybe the red-baiting gentleman — whoever he may be — means to say “pseudojournalistic cryptomarxist.”

Because I actually claim not to be a Marxist at all, to the extent I even have any real ideological underpinnings.

More of a sort of libertarian fiscal conservative in terms of how I think of who to vote for. Let the market work, except where it fails. That sort of thing. I actually even sucked it up and voted for Bloomberg for mayor. I have not met a whole lot of Marxists for Bloomberg lately, but if you know any, introduce me. It would be interesting to hear their spiel.

I sincerely eschew all philosophical by-products of the Hegelian principle of “the identify of identity and non-identity.” Or so I claim.

But then again, there are those Moonies who scream that the ACLU and the Council on Foreign Relations are unwitting dupes of international communism.

So perhaps I am an unwitting dupe after all. You never know. Gnose se auton is an unrealizable ideal. Truth is nowhere. The Manchurian Candidate is a documentary disguised as a black comedy. Nothing is revealed. There are more things under heaven and earth than dream’d of in your philosophy, Horatio. That kind of David “Fear and Misinformation Abound” Sasaki-style nonsense.

But I actually do make money, in a modest way, as a journalist and journalistic translator — mainly as a copy and production editor in the pre-Dawn Eden tradition. How to put words into type. What is Romanian for “the man got borked”? That sort of thing. Resumé upon request. Se habla Chicago Manual of Style.

Joaquín López-Dóriga ha entrevistado al Procurador General de la República, quien le ha confirmado que también ha sido detenida en Las Vegas, Nevada, Michelle Wong, quien es pareja y presunta cómplice del chino Zhenli Ye Gon, por coparticipación con él cuando menos en temas relacionados con lavado de dinero.

López-Dóriga [of Noticiero Televisa, the “news clown” channel] has interviewed the Mexican top prosecutor, who confirms that Michelle Wong, companion to Ye Gon and allegedly his accomplice, has been arrested for complicity in crimes of money laundering, and perhaps more.

She is the mother of a 17-month old son by the Sino-Mexican man behind the meth, Bruce Sterling notes on is blog at Wired. The non-traditional family that launders together, [your rhyme here] together.

Eduardo Medina Mora dijo que es practicamente un sueño para Zhenli, que el gobierno estadounidense le vaya a dar asilo político, según charlas que sostuvo con la directora de la DEA, Karen Tandy.

Medina Mora said it is practically a dream for Zhenli, that the U.S. might give him political asylum, according to chats he had with DEA director Karen Tandy.

De esta forma comienza a cerrarse parte de la infame historia del chino de los millones, e inicia una vez más un proceso legal en ultramar buscando traer a México a delincuentes para presentarlos ante la justicia.

In this way a chapter in the infamous story of the Chinese millions begin to close, as a new legal proceeding begins overseas to try to bring the criminals back to face Mexican justice.

Okay, sure. Hey, the DEA says these people broke Mexican laws. The DEA seem like responsible adults in this case, so far. So fine: It appears these people (and “yet unidentified conferederates,” as the indictment says) probably broke Mexican laws.

Let them therefore be borked in Mexico. No argument from me.

More specifically, though: what did the Wong indictment say?

Of special interest: How she was allegedly laundering money.

While I may not fathom the mysteries of Mexico, I do make an honest effort to study these sorts of things.

Read white papers by reputable beancounters, follow the FINCEN newswire, that sort of thing.

De todo este rollo quedan varias cosas citables:


  • Comprobada la terquedad del mexicano promedio. La duda. A lo más mínimo crea castillos en el aire y desconfia. Ocupa que le prueben con hechos algo para que realmente entienda.
  • Comprobada la terquedad de la izquierda y de sus seguidores, desde blogs en español o blogs en ingles de pseudoperiodistas marxistas que creen conocer México.
  • Confirmado el tercermundista comportamiento de los legisladores que pidieron ‘comisión especial’ para investigar vínculos que no existían.
  • Confirmada la falta de ETICA de EL UNIVERSAL (Yo no se como se atreven a tener una ‘escuela de periodismo’) que publicó cartas falsas.


Es indudable que Zhenli Ye Gon fundó una red de corrupción. Es la única forma en la que pudo meter toneladas de drogas a México para satisfacer a nuestra juventud mexicana y a unos cuantos miles de gringos. Eso es lo que se tiene que investigar en cuanto se encuentre en México. El asunto debe de estar en las aduanas, no en un partido político.


Okay, the vast and murky forces swirl, gotcha.

But what, exactly, was Michelle Wong charged with doing? How did going to the casino and losing $125 million in 3 years lead to squeaky clean money?

Inquiring minds want to know.

There is a hill of beans (votes, corpses, shares traded in the session, bank notes, rubber duckies, baggies of brain-blasting crank).

Let us accurately count them. Just like on Sesame Street.

Where is the terquedad in that, I ask you?

In this connection, I always like to recall the Brazilian blogger who referred to five Ws journalism as “the pornography of facts.”

The reality-based community is a Communist plot!

If 2+2 needs to = 5, then by God, let it = 5!

You apply that rationale to quarterly earnings statements or aeronautical engineering, however, and you have got real trouble.

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