Indymedia’s Brooklyn-Oaxaca Deathwatch

New Yorker Brad Will dies on the street in Oaxaca. Comments my wife: “Good, when gringos die, people start to pay attention.” Pois é.

El Sendero del Peje al 2006 reproduces an article from El Universal (Mexico, D.F) today on the death of Bradley Roland Will, New Yorker, along with a backgrounder on Indymedia — a multilingual, global independent journalism project that was successfully removed from the collection of Google News by a right-wing lobbying campaign a couple of years ago, as you may recall.

Kind of an anti-GVO before its time, Indymedia is: live from the Red Zone rather than rewriting the press release from the comfort of the Green Zone, transcribing FOX NEWS from one’s plasma TV.

Innovations in journalism, my ass.

The Brazilian chapter does excellent work, for example.

Me, I don’t forget this kind of shit.

Those are the Brooklyn motherfucking rules when terrorists kill New Yorkers.

Anytime you get around to bringing me the head of Osama freaking bin Laden, for example, head straight to Brooklyn for your ticker-tape parade. The fire station right down the block here — free pressurized air for bicycle tires — lost guys that day, after all.

But until then, you and the horse you rode in on.

Entre los temas de mayor cobertura que ha tenido este sitio web están “La otra campaña” del EZLN, el conflicto en San Salvador Atenco del pasado mes de mayo, el conflicto entre Estados Unidos e Irán por el tema nuclear, la migración en Europa y algunos motines en Budapest.

Among the topics that receive the most coverage on this Web site are the EZLN’s “other campaign,” the confict in San Salvador Atenco last May, the conflict between the U.S. and Iran over nuclear proliferation, immigration in Europe, and riots in Budapest.

El periodista asesinado este viernes en Oaxaca, Bradley Roland Will , trabajó asuntos como la salvación de bosques de Los Ángeles, cubrió la campaña electoral en Brasil y la toma de posesión del presidente Luis Inácio Lula da Silva, y movimientos activistas en la reunión de la Organización Mundial de Comercio en Seattle.

The journalist killed Thursday in Oaxaca, Bradley Will, covered such subjects as saving the forests of Los Angeles, the [2002] election campaign in Brazil inauguration of Lula, and activist movements at the WTO meetings in Seattle.

Trabajó para NYC Indymedia desde el 2001 y decidió cubrir el conflicto en Oaxaca “debido a que en Estados Unidos no recibimos mucha información de allá y consideramos que merece más atención”, comentó su compañero Tarleton.

He had worked for NYC Indymedia since 2001 and decided to cover the conflict in Oxaca “because in the U.S. we receive little information from there and we believe it merits attention, his coworker Tarleton said.

Entrevistado vía telefónica exigió “una investigación a fondo para dar con los asesinos tanto materiales como intelectuales que mataron a nuestro amigo”.

Interviewed by telephone, Tarleton demanded “a thorough investigation to uncover the murderers of our friend — both the ones that pulled the trigger and the intellectual authors of the act.”

“Incluso no hemos escuchado nada del gobierno de México, alguna respuesta o explicación pero esperamos que en los siguientes días esto cambie”, detalló.

“We have heard nothing from the Mexican government, not a single answer or explanation, but we hope this will change in the coming days,” he said.

And Victor Herndandez comments, on the blog:

En efecto. El gobierno de México no ha dicho NI UNA PALABRA sobre las muertes en Oaxaca a manos de los sicaros de Ulises Ruiz. Ni lo van a decir. Por algo son CÓMPLICES el PRI y el PAN.

Pois é. The government of Mexico has not said A SINGLE WORD about the deaths in Oaxaca at the hands of sicarios in the pay of Ulises Ruiz. Nor will they. And for that reason PAN and PRI are ACCOMPLICES TO THE CRIME.

Shit, man, is it open season on loudmouthed, inquisitive New Yorkers in the tropics now?

Should I watch what I say?

Will those nice folks at the Embassy back me up if I get into a jam?

I don’t expect them to do much about the death of Mr. Will.

But, hey, maybe because I’m presumably a bit to Brad’s right, politio-ideologically, they’ll make the effort.

Or are “pro-market” civil libertarians now on the Santiago stadium list, too?

On my own behalf, let me say that it’s true that I have gone down to Porto Alegre to cover the World Social Forum in person.

But I also made significant efforts to cover the World Economic Forum in Davos as well.

The problem was that I just that I could not wangle an invitation to that carefully media-controlled forum for world thought-leaders.

So I had to make do with (censored) blogging from the event.

Please don’t leave me in the street to die, Condi. I heart the capital markets! I do! Really! Sincerely!

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